Ken Goody
Foundation Executive - Dorothea Haus Ross Foundation
Foundation Executive of the Dorothea Haus Ross Foundation Ken Goody takes his turn walking us through the process of finding grantees, while also discussing the power of collaboration and how to best represent your nonprofit to a donor who may not be in a position to fund. We also discuss how to position the importance of disability rights into a donor's portfolio. Ken Goody has over 25 years of experience with private and family foundations, financial and nonprofit institutions with activities including grantmaking and philanthropy and strategic development. Goody has developed and directs a grantmaking program to fulfill the Dorothea Haus Ross Foundation’s broad mission to aid vulnerable children throughout the world. The Ross program funds organizations that work to ensure that the basic needs and rights of disabled, trafficked and exploited, and refugee and displaced children are met and strengthened, with a current emphasis on programs that promote inclusion, de-institutionalization and community-based care models, trafficking prevention, youth education and empowerment and adolescent life skills.