Karen Ansara
Philanthropist - New England International Donors
Philanthropist Karen Ansara of the Ansara Family Fund and New England International Donors walks listeners through a tour of both philanthropic spaces, while explaining why Haiti has such a place in her heart. In late 2008 Karen cofounded New England International Donors (NEID). With her husband, Jim, she makes grants to end global poverty and promote global health primarily in Haiti via the Ansara Family Fund at TBF. In 2010 Karen cofounded the Haiti Fund with TBF, which made grants in HAITI for five years, and then evolved into the Haiti Development Insitute (HDI.) She serves on the boards of HDI, MCE Social Capital, and the Millennium Campus Network and is an advisor to the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, the Irish International Immigrant Center, and Boston University’s Pardee School for Global Studies.