Barbara Waxman
Life Stage Expert, Coach, Gerontologist, Speaker, Author
Barbara Waxman is the leading authority on Middlescence and a passionate
advocate for aging, wisdom, and thriving in midlife. Her mission is to shift cultural
norms around aging by establishing Middlescence as a unique life stage. Barbara is
the founder of Odyssey Group Coaching LLC which includes her one-of-a-kind
coaching model, Entrepreneurship Turned Inward©, and proprietary content such as
the Five Essential Elements© to help middlescents thrive personally and
professionally. She is one of the only Gerontologist-coaches in the United States. Her
breakthrough coaching has inspired hundreds of individuals and senior leaders with
compassion, honesty, and a light heart while incorporating cutting edge research
and methodologies.
Barbara is the author of two books examining aging, including, most recently, The
Middlescence Manifesto: Igniting the Passion of Midlife. Her work has been featured
in multiple media outlets, including CBS This Morning, Marin Magazine, and Arianna
Huffington’s Thrive Global. A Wexner Heritage Foundation Fellow, Barbara holds
master's degrees in both Public Administration and Gerontology from the University
of Southern California, and coaching certifications from the International Coach
Federation and The Hudson Institute.